Tin tức What is a chatgpt prompt?

Thảo luận trong 'Diễn Đàn Mua Bán' bắt đầu bởi Duong Minh, 14/6/23.

  1. Duong Minh

    Duong Minh Member

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    What is a chatgpt prompt?
    The prompt statement for ChatGPT is usually a short paragraph, question, or request given to ChatGPT so that it can respond based on the trained data. In other words, prompt is how you interact with ChatGPT to get the desired answer or result. Prompts can cover different topics such as science, business, art, society, culture, education, health, and more.

    The development of AI promises many opportunities for businesses and marketers
    Some examples of ChatGPT Prompts might be "Let's talk about the impact of climate change on our living environment," "What can looking for new jobs in engineering do to increase employability?" or "Propose a good health care plan for seniors."

    You can read more about how to apply chatgpt to marketing
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