Du lịch The process of building a new website from scratch

Thảo luận trong 'Diễn Đàn Mua Bán' bắt đầu bởi Duong Minh, 14/6/23.

  1. Duong Minh

    Duong Minh Member

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    The process of building a new website from scratch
    Step 1: Search for information to create an "insight" winning website Building a specific and clear customer persona will increase the effectiveness of your content plan
    The first step in every website

    Building process is gathering input. To avoid deviations in the design process, the level of detail and specificity of the information is as high as possible. Therefore, you need to have a deep knowledge of the following factors: the goal of the website, the target audience, the core content that the website wants to convey. When you design a website for a client, it is also important to note the requirements for features, design, domain name – hosting server; Along with that are documents, information, images provided by customers to serve the design process.

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    Step 2: Plan the process of building a new website design
    Once you've gathered all the necessary information from step one, organize them and develop a detailed website creation plan. You can start by creating a summary diagram for the site, and listing the main topics, subtopics, and pages that will appear on the site. Next, plan specific content for each page.

    Step 3: Create a website Collect customer information carefully to create a website that suits their needs
    Once you have a complete plan, you can proceed to the implementation phase of your website

    by designing the interface. In the process of building a new website, you should consider many factors to make the most suitable choices. Based on the business sector, a website in the financial sector cannot be the same as an entertainment website. Or based on the meaningful requirements that customers want, and based on the company's brand identity to ensure synchronization. And no matter how you plan it, don't overlook the user experience – the most important thing is that the website needs to be convenient, minimalist, and easy to use for visitors and users alike.

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