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Thảo luận trong 'Diễn Đàn Mua Bán' bắt đầu bởi Savannah21, 31/1/24.

  1. Savannah21

    Savannah21 New Member

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    My name is Tammy, I am an Asian man who came to American since i was a young person. Savannah Black Surge marriage life might been recently ruined without Vimax medications. I am a computer programmer doing work in an IT company in Los Angeles, California. I'd a problem of poor sexual performance and my penile size was too small and shorter. After getting married with an Asian girl in two years, I could not get it up and make it up when I need to. Also, my sex performance was really bad as a my uncontrollable premature ejaculation issue. My aunt was not happy every time we had sex. I seemed to be disappointed too but I conducted not know what to can do. What should I carry out? I jogged and turned out every day, but my poor sex problem wasn't improved much.
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